You are interested in supporting OC? You are welcome to do it!

Opencaching DE provides a opensource software for publishing geocaches worldwide. It emerged more branches, which further developed independently. Details will be found on our OC Project Code History. Throughout the years, the project divided. In order to unify the platforms again, there will be a complete relaunch of the software. The first task was to meet PSR2/PSR4 Coding standard. We start to do this in March 2016 » Roadmap 2016-Q2. After this, we outsource some third-party libarys by using 250pxcomposer. Since June 2016, we have a symfony framework running for the first time. Now - we are prepared to start refactoring OC.


  • In anticipation of an international developer team, we ask you to use  English language for conversation.

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OC Core Development Team

On any questions, contact our team members.

Clanfamily aka Mirco

Frontend Developer & Vice Chairman

teiling88 aka Thomas

Team Leader Development

nlubisch aka Nick

Backend Developer

mirsch aka Mirko

Code Maintainer - Symfony Framework

slini11 aka Nils

Backend Developer

See more on » OC Organisation